Bridgewater Interiors – Warren Facility


Plant Manager Corner

We are Hiring!!!! Please help us! Team, as you know we are short people across the plant. We still have a large amount of people to hire and achieve our increasing absenteeism pool. If you know of someone that needs a job, you can go to our main Bridgewater Website to schedule an interview or show up to the open interviews below. We are offering a $250 Referral Bonus for anyone that lists your name on their application and stays for the full 120 days probationary period. See HR for a form that must be filled out.

Operating Pattern Changes



Human Resource Corner

  • COVID-19 Testing and Treatment is covered at 100%
  • Financial Concerns –  Contact Fidelity (855-877-6243) with any questions regarding your 401k Plan. 
    • Loan Forbearance through January 1, 2021
    • The ability to receive a disbursement up to 100K
  • Life Works Employees Assistance Program (EAP) offers support and guidance during this time and throughout the year:
    • Taking care of yourself
    • Adjusting to change in the workplace and at home
    • Caring for others
    • Grief and Loss
    • Support 24 hours a day/7 days a week : Phone Number 1-866-267-8126                   
    • Website: User Name: Adient   Password: lifeworks
BWI Warren is raising money for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in Detroit

Please see any Manager how you can donate today

Plant Wide News

We have opened up the cafeteria to include an exit if you would like to use this option. Please follow the signs and be mindful of the one way directions. The only path into the cafeteria is only the main isle near the bathrooms.


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